Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How to make your life better....

Unhealthy food from the McDonald's restaurants, too much cups of coffee, sitting lifestyle... how many people can describe their way of life using those words. How often have you tried to change your lifestyle and nothing happened? How often did you think “I can't do it” or “It is too difficult for me”? Read the following story of John Smith – a person whose life was very similar to the one described above.

My name is John Smith and I am an IT specialist for about 15 years. My earlier life was very similar to the typical American's life. I used to wake up at about 7 o'clock every day and eat very fatty breakfast. As far as I remember my parents told me to eat as much fatty things as possible for breakfast, because it gives me more energy to deal with everyday problems. After breakfast I used to go to a bus stop to catch a bus to work. I had a nine-to-five work but at about 10 o'clock I was getting hungry. Then I usually ate a pizza or some French fries. At about 2 o'clock I used to go to the local bar to buy two or three candy bars. The machine with candy bars was on the first floor and sometimes my coworkers looked at me and laughed, because while they went upstairs I had to use a lift. After 5 o'clock I used to go to a bus stop to catch a bus to home. I used to spend evenings sitting in front of the TV and watching films.

One day my life was changed. I woke up and ate some breakfast as usual. When I went out of my house I saw that a bus had already been at the bus stop. I wanted to start running but my body did not allow me to do it. I made only a few steps and I felt exhausted. The bus started going and I started to run again, but the result was the same. At the end I phoned a taxi. When I was going to my work by the taxi I felt terrible.

Since that time I have changed my way of life. I started to eat fruits and vegetables instead of fatty breakfast. In the beginning it was really difficult for me, because my body wanted me to eat fat food. I was not able to work that day because I had day-dreaming about a big pizza. For dinner I had a small piece of meat and a lot of vegetables. It did not taste good, but achieving my goal was more important than it. After work I did not take a bus to go home - I went there on foot. When I was in my house I felt very tired. That day I also joined a gym. It was a very hard day for me but at the end of it I was very satisfied. In the next days I did the same things and after two weeks I felt better than I had felt for years. I was able to run as fast as when I was a teenager. I also started playing tennis and cycling.

Today I am a member of the local basketball team. I go to a swimming pool twice a week and run every morning. My colleagues look at me in disbelief, because I am always on the third floor before they are without using a lift. I have done it so you can do it also!

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