Friday, August 31, 2012

Emilak :)

Sony photo-school :)


Friday, August 17, 2012

Wireless flash.... buy or not to buy?

 Thinking about pros and cons of buying the flash to my SLR I watched the following movie. In that movie Gary Friedman briefly presented the way your photos could go when you would help them with some external flash. You can not only make the first-plan-person brighter - it can be done by using the in-built flash. The whole magic starts when you place the flash off your camera. With trials and errors method of working you can achieve really great photos which would be bordered only by your imagination. Try it as well as me do it!

Great set of photosof Lynn... just to look and admire....


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Want to get a fully-functional application similar to the Adobe Lightroom? Try the darktable....

...of course for free but not as in “free beer” :D Really great tool which can do nearly everything what the Lightroom does. And it can be used under the linux systems only ^^D


Photo-editing in the Google Picassa...really, really and once more really good :)

I know - it's overexposured but it was my intention :)

Small smile makes a big fun!!!

How do the wireless flashes work?

Many photographers do not really know how the flashes they use everyday work. There is nothing strange as per the joke which says that only two people do know it: the guy who invented the wireless flashes and Phil Brandon from the Minolta company. Generally speaking flashes give you the possibility to be a god of light (maybe a bit exaggerated sentence but there is some of truth in it). Want to be the third person who know the inside of the wireless machine? Take a look at this. And make fun with your flash!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Manual labour is for everyone even included me :D Building a house....

Well..., life does not treat us as well as we want to, but being introduced to some new activities is some kind of pleasure as well. Well... :D

Happy birthday to you, Natalia... and let's the music play... :D

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