Saturday, October 1, 2011

Is your Windows password really strong?

How to check if your password is really unbreakable? Simply - use Cain & Abel. It is software which is "easily downloadable from the Internet". So lets do it.
1. Open the Cain and go to the Cracker tab. Then check Import hashes from local system.
2. Highlight preferred account and choose NTLM hash breaking by using the brute force.
3. Enter key space and approximate maximal and minimal password length and start the attack.
Don't be scared if you see that you will have to wait about 13 years as it was in my case :) It is time which is needed to cover whole range of combination from the key set.
4. And after some time.... you have got it (or the better option for your password - you cannot find it despite you have been trying for very long time) :)

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